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Halloween SMS

Halloween SMS

Nothing on Earth
so beautiful as
the final
haul on Halloween night.
~Steve Almond

Nothing on Earth
so beautiful as
the final
haul on Halloween night.
~Steve Almond

A black baby was given a set of wings by God.
The baby asked "Does this mean I'm an angel".
God laughed and replied,
"Nah niggah u is a bat!"
Happy Halloween

A black baby was given a set of wings by God.
The baby asked "Does this mean I'm an angel".
God laughed and replied,
"Nah niggah u is a bat!"
Happy Halloween

A black baby was given a set of wings by God.
The baby asked "Does this mean I'm an angel".
God laughed and replied,
"Nah niggah u is a bat!"
Happy Halloween

A black baby was given a set of wings by God.
The baby asked "Does this mean I'm an angel".
God laughed and replied,
"Nah niggah u is a bat!"
Happy Halloween

Shadows of a thousand years rise again unseen, Voices whisper in the trees, “Tonight is Halloween!” ~Dexter Kozen

Hobgoblins know the proper way to dance: Arms akimbo, loopy legs askew, Leaping into darkness with delight, Lusting for the ecstasy of fright, Open to the charm of horrors new…. ~Nicholas Gordon

On Hallowe’en the thing you must do Is pretend that nothing can frighten you And if somethin’ scares you and you want to run Just let on like it’s Hallowe’en fun.

On Halloween, witches come true; Wild ghosts escape from dreams. Each monster dances in the park…. ~Nicholas Gordon

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