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Motivational Quotes SMS

Motivational Quotes SMS

"The plus symbol is made
with 2 minus symbols!"

So all NEGATIVE things
can B shaped as positives
by our SMART work & POSITIVE thinking!

A.r rehman was asked at his award function:
"which is your best music?"
he replied,
"my next music"
so let ur aim be better than before.

In race between lion & deer,

Many time deer wins.
Because lion runs 4 food & deer 4 life.

Remember; ''Purpose is more important than need"

Change doesn’t happen, when circumstances improve. Change happens when you decide to improve your circumstances.

Your wealth, beauty and status are to be remembered for some time, But, Your good character will rule over the hearts forever.

Your wealth, beauty and status are to be remembered for some time, But, Your good character will rule over the hearts forever.

Today before you think of an unkind word, think of someone who can’t speak! Before you complain about the taste of your food, think of someone who has nothing to eat! Before you complain about your misunderstandings with your father or mother, think of someone who cries to ALLAH for them to be around!

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