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Tuesday 31 January 2012

Agneepath - Movie Review - Hrithik Roshan, Priyanka Chopra, Sanjay Dutt

शिरीष कुंडर से भिड़ गए शाहरुख Shahrukh Slaps Shirish Kunder

खबरों के मुताबिक संजय दत्त द्वारा ‘अग्निपथ’ की सफलता पर आयोजित पार्टी में अभिनेता शाहरुख खान अपनी पूर्व दोस्त निर्देशक फराह खान के पति शिरीष कुंडर से भिड़ गए।

Thursday 26 January 2012

The Rules of Love

Love matters. Whether it’s the romantic kind or the emotional bond between you and family or friends. Indeed latest research suggests that those who love and are loved are significantly more likely to be alive in 10 years time than those without love in their lives. Love makes us happy, and the happier we are, the longer it seems we tend to live.

But it isn’t always easy to love and be loved. Love is also complicated. Relationships are invariably complex and they need to be attended to, nurtured, worked at, and invested in. It’s all too easy to neglect relationships – often without realising it – and this benign neglect leaves you one day wondering why this special relationship has crumbled, unravelled, waned or lost its sparkle. Forming good relationships isn’t easy either. Same sex relationships can be tricky enough (mothers and daughters, brothers and brothers) but when it’s the opposite sex – especially boyfriend/girlfriend) you have the added complication that the other person is wired completely differently and may see things in completely different ways.

If you study people who are so good at relationships you discover it’s not about their personality or gender or how self sacrificing they are. Those who are great in all relationships usually do have to work at it – the secret is that they know exactly where to put their efforts. They know The Rules of Love. In this book these Rules are revealed, so you too can benefit from the simple principles of forming and sustaining strong, enduring and ultimately, life enhancing relationships.

How to get success in Love Relationships using Numerology?

Love Compatibility Secrets in Numerology – Online Numerology Tips

If there is any thing worth living for or worth dying for in this world, then there is only thing, and its called LOVE. The whole world around us, or even the whole universe functions because of love. It is the love which binds all together inspite of our differences. The root cause of every problem in this world can be attributed to one reason, thats lack of love or denial of love. When a soul is denied of love or affection, then thats where it turns into a destructive force.
So much has been said and done of love, and what are the ways to make one’s love successful with the help of some numerology, or in simpler term how to marry the woman we love?
Well, before going to analyze the numbers and its love compatibility in this online numerology, lets understand whats the chemistry behind the actual process called love. Unlike in movies, love doesn’t come between two beautiful or handsome couples. Its actually the attraction which leads to love, and this attraction is not due to ones color or structure mainly but due to the wavelength and the aura of that person.
99.99 % of lovers in this world are not a sexy or a strikingly beautiful couple, but they have loved their partner as they have felt a great attraction in one way or other. A magnetic force which makes that woman very special to their eyes, very pretty to their eyes. This attribute is solely due to the numbers, the aura, the energies, and the prana which surrounds that person. If the aura or enery matches the opposite sex, then it leads to a great symbiotic bond called love.
In my numerology experience, i have interviewed many lovers ,with their permission of course, and i have found that the bonding called love happens only due to astral phenomenon like their stars, birth date, zodiac compatibility. For e.g. Planet Mercury and Planet Mars are friendly, hence its no wonder a 5 born is attracted and mostly fall in love with 9 borns.
These are not the only aspects, the thumb rule to fall in love is
The boy or girl should have compatibility either in birthdate, or lifepath, or name,to actually fall in love !
Having said that, lets see what are the numbers are compatible to whom.
Number 1 borns like 1,10,28,19 borns in numerology destiny are very compatible to 4 borns like 4,13,22, and 31 born. These people fall in love instantly when they see each other, they also form good friends. Number 1 here will be dominant than number 4 in relationship, and number 4 will beautifully surrender to number 1. Also, number 1 and number 4 is compatible to number 8 borns like 8,17 and 26.
More than number 1 borns, number 4 borns are very attached and compatible to number 8 borns. These 1, 4 and 8 are circle of friends, and person born on these dates will fall in love if the other person has anywhere has these other two numbers in birth date or lifepath or name.
For number 2 borns, like 11,20,2,29 in numerology destiny, they usually get attracted and lose their heart to 7 borns, 5 borns, and 9 borns. But more than 5 and 9 borns, its the 7 borns whom they will ready to sacrifice anything. Number 2 and number 7 are like iron and magnetic in numerology. The only ideal match for number 7 born is number 2 born people. Only 2 born people can adjust to a 7 born people very well.
When these 2 borns and 7 borns meet, they instantly exchange their hearts. Again, these number should be present either in name, date of birth, or lifepath.
Number 3 in numerology destiny is called universal friend in numerology, as they will be loved by all, they will be loved by every number in numerology. Number 3 is also called as Universe in Chaldean Numerology, and its undoubtedly the best number to be born in numerology. People born on 3,12,21 and 30 are loved universally. But number 6 borns are 9 borns are very close to 3 borns and together they form a close group.
Number 5 borns like 5,14 and 23 in numerology destiny are the ones called the casanovas in numerology as they tend to love any one and everyone, but their most passionat and true love will be found in a 9 born only. Number 5 born people also fall in love easily to a number 4 born people.
Number 6 borns are romantic lovers by born, and their high standard and expectation in love can be fulifilled only be a fellow 6 borns, but they can mend their ways to 9 borns too.
Number 9 borns in numerology destiny, who are described as the most sensuous lovers and also most possessive ones will be fatally attracted to number 5 borns, and also to 6 borns and 3 borns.
Apart from all this compatibilities, when a man and woman with same birth number, or lifepath or name will naturally get attracted and fall in love. For e.g. a person born on 17th jan will get attracted to woman born on 8,17 , or 26, or lifepath 8.
Another way to make a strong love bond is, if two people’s name value is same, then they cannot be separated each other in this universe, and a man is likely to succeed in love if the girl he loves has the same name number as him. And they will be un separable.
In my another post, i have described about name number 19, if any man wants his love, or his girlfriend to remain eternally in love with him, then his or her name should be in 19, by doing this so, she will not even think of anyone other than her love. And her love is immortal.

Saturday 21 January 2012

Helpless love

Once upon a time all feelings and emotions went to a coastal island for a vacation. According to their nature, each was having a good time. Suddenly, a warning of an impending storm was announced and everyone was advised to evacuate the island.

The announcement caused sudden panic. All rushed to their boats. Even damaged boats were quickly repaired and commissioned for duty.

Yet, Love did not wish to flee quickly. There was so much to do. But as the clouds darkened, Love realised it was time to leave. Alas, there were no boats to spare. Love looked around with hope.

Just then Prosperity passed by in a luxurious boat. Love shouted, “Prosperity, could you please take me in your boat?”

“No,” replied Prosperity, “my boat is full of precious possessions, gold and silver. There is no place for you.”

A little later Vanity came by in a beautiful boat. Again Love shouted, “Could you help me, Vanity? I am stranded and need a lift. Please take me with you.”

Vanity responded haughtily, “No, I cannot take you with me. My boat will get soiled with your muddy feet.”

Sorrow passed by after some time. Again, Love asked for help. But it was to no avail. “No, I cannot take you with me. I am so sad. I want to be by myself.”

When Happiness passed by a few minutes later, Love again called for help. But Happiness was so happy that it did not look around, hardly concerned about anyone.

Love was growing restless and dejected. Just then somebody called out, “Come Love, I will take you with me.” Love did not know who was being so magnanimous, but jumped on to the boat, greatly relieved that she would reach a safe place.

On getting off the boat, Love met Knowledge. Puzzled, Love inquired, “Knowledge, do you know who so generously gave me a lift just when no one else wished to help?”

Knowledge smiled, “Oh, that was Time.”

“And why would Time stop to pick me and take me to safety?” Love wondered.

Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and replied, “Because only Time knows your true greatness and what you are capable of. Only Love can bring peace and great happiness in this world.”

“The important message is that when we are prosperous, we overlook love. When we feel important, we forget love. Even in happiness and sorrow we forget love. Only with time do we realize the importance of love. Why wait that long? Why not make love a part of your life today?”

The story of a blind girl

There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She said that if she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend.

One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything, including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her, “now that you can see the world, will you marry me?”

The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too, and refused to marry him. Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her saying:

“Just take care of my eyes dear.”

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Katrina Kaif to romance Rajinikanth

Katrina Kaif has bagged the coveted role opposite southern legend Rajinikanth in Kochadaiyaan, being directed by none other than his daughter, Soundarya. 

"It's true. We were very keen on Katrina. Two superstars together from the South and the North would create magic," a very important member of the film's production team revealed to Mumbai Mirror. "We've been negotiating with her for some time. She is shooting for Yash Chopra, and has assured us of her dates in the next few months." 

When contacted, Soundarya confirmed the developments, saying, "Yes, we are indeed in talks with Katrina and we will let you know soon." 

Katrina, who is busy shooting two back-to-back Yash Raj films - Ek Tha Tiger with Salman Khan, and an untitled one with Shah Rukh Khan - will accommodate Rajinikanth's dates in between her tight schedule. All other portions of the film have been shot, and only the ones with Katrina remain. Her dates will be worked out soon, and the film will then be complete, the member said. 

"In Kochadaiyaan, Rajinikanth plays a king, a devotee of Lord Shiva. His love story with Katrina, their songs, will be shot on an epic scale," disclosed a very reliable source. A R Rahman, who is known to take his time over scores, has recorded most of the music, including the love song to be filmed on Rajinikanth and Katrina. "Rahman is bringing 130 musicians from Germany to record the background score," the source further revealed. 

As for Katrina, it will be tough but she really wanted to work with Rajinikanth for the longest possible time, according to a friend. 

The first look of Kochadaiyaan, which literally means, "the king with long hair", will be unveiled in the third week of January. Of course, Rajinikanth will sport long flowing tresses for the part... even if it means donning a wig..

Sunday 8 January 2012



शाळा आणि कॉलेज

शाळा आणि कॉलेज 

शाळा: पेन्सिल ,रबर,शार्पनर,पेन,पट्टी....
कोलेज:एक बॉलपेन तो पण मित्राकडून घेतलेला ;)

... ... शाळा:वर्गात येण्याआधी "टीचर ,मे आय कम इन?" किंवा "टीचर ,मी आत येवू का?"
कोलेज: वर्गाजवळ येणार किती बसलेत ते बघणार आणि मोबयील कानाला लावून परत जाणार .

शाळा: सर्व विषयांची पुस्तक आणि वह्या स्वतःजवळ ठेवणार !
कोलेज:मित्राला बोलणार "अरे यार वहिचे एक पान तर डे ना"

शाळा: शाळेत पेपर लवकर देवून निघाला तर सर्व बोलणार काय स्कॉलर आहे हा यार
कोलेज:कोलेज मध्ये सर्व बोलणार "काही येत नाही त्याला म्हणून निघालाय"

शाळा:शाळेत उशिरा आले कि शेवटच्या बाकावर बसावे लागते
कोलेज: कोलेज मध्ये उशिरा आले कि पहिल्या बाकावर बसावे लागते

शाळा: यार मला ती आवडते
कोलेज:साभाळून बघ रे वाहिनी आहे तुझी...

आता सांगा पाहू काय जास्त आवडत??

एका मुलाचे मुलीला सांगणे

एका मुलाचे मुलीला सांगणे 

तिला पाहण्यासाठी आम्ही बसच्या मागे धाव धाव धावायचं,
मग का देवाने आमच्यावर दहा पैकी फक्त ५ वेळाच पावायचं???
तुमच्यासाठी आम्ही त्या लोकांशी नडायचं,
... तुला पाहण्यासाठी त्या गर्दीमधून बस मध्ये चढायचं.

...बसमधल्या त्या सहा सीट आमच्यासाठी खूप खास असतात,
अहो असणारच ना...त्या सीटवर "अप्सरा" बसतात,
पुरुषांच्या सीटवर हि त्या हक्काने बसतात,
आम्ही त्यांच्या सीट वर बसलो कि त्याच "महामाया" तूच्छ नजरेने बघतात.

तुम्ही ऑनलाईन दिसल्यावर आम्ही तुम्हाला "हाय हाय" करायचं,
आणि तुम्ही भाव खात पटकन "बाय बाय" टाईप करायचं,
आम्हाला पण मन असतं कार्टीन्नो !!,
शहाण्या ना तुम्ही????........मग या पुढे असं नाही हा करायचं.

केसात तुम्ही सुगंधी फुलांना माळायचं, (नोट :दुर्मिळ आहे हे,हल्ली मुलींना इतके
केस नसतात.)
"Beautiful Girl " बोलून आम्ही तुमच्यावर भाळायचं,
आमच्यासाठीच सजून आमच्याकडेच पाहून तुम्ही नाक मूरडायचं,
"पटली बहुतेक" या नुकत्याच मनातल्या बुड्बुड्याला तुम्ही पायाखाली चीरडायचं.

असताच तुम्ही सुंदर.......नाही कोणी म्हटलंय?????
पण ब्रह्मदेव एक पुरूषच आहे....त्याच्यामुळेच तुमच्यात हे सौंदर्य साठलंय.
आम्हाला पाहून असं वाट बदलायला रस्त्यात नाही मुडायचं,
आम्हीच पंख आहोत तुमचे.......पोरींनो.....उगाच इतकं नाही उडायचं.

त्या दिवसाची काळजी करा,ज्या दिवशी तुम्ही आमच्यासाठी सजणार,
पण एकही मुलगा तुम्हाला ढुंकून हि नाही बघणार.
ज्या दिवशी आम्ही मुलांनी तुमच्या कडे पाठ फिरवली,
त्या दिवशी तुमच्या सुंदरतेची किंमत शून्य झाली :P

तर सांगायचा मुद्दा असा कि मुलीनो मुलां शिवाय तुम्ही काही नाही
आणि मुलानो तुम्ही पण ह्यांच्या शिवाय राहू शकत नाही
आणि मी हि त्यातलाच एक 

Friday 6 January 2012

Really Deserving !

 A farmer was collecting horses of different breeds; he needed one more to complete his collection. He noticed that his neighbor had a horse of that breed and, after long persuasion, bought  it.
A month later, the horse became ill. The veterinarian said, “ Your horse has a virus. He must take this medicine for three days. If he is not better by that time, we have to put him down”.
The farmer’s pig standing nearby, heard this conversation. Next day, after the vet gave the medicine and left, the pig approached the horse and said: “ Be strong, my friend. Get up or else they are going to put you to sleep!”
On the second day, too, the pig said: “Come on buddy, get up or else you are going to die! Come on, I will help you get up. Let us go! One, two, three… “
On the third day, the vet said: “ Unfortunately, we have to put   him down tomorrow. Otherwise, the virus might spread and infect the other horse.”
After they left, the pig approached the horse and said “ Listen, friend, it is now or never! Get  up, Come on, one, two, three…. Good, good.”
Now faster, come on… Fantastic! Run, run  more! Yes! Yes! Yes! You did it, you are a champion!!!!”
All of a sudden, the owner came back saw the horse running in the field and began shouting: “ It is a miracle! My horse is cured. This deserves a party. Let us kill the pig and make a feast…!
Points for   reflection: This happens often. Nobody truly knows who actually deserves the credit for       success  or who  is actually contributing the necessary support to make things happen.
                                         The roots below the earth claims
                                         No rewards for making the branches fruitful.